Taking control


To control something, we need to measure effort, track progress, and set time-bound goals to achieve. This is probably a general approach for a fresh starter. But when someone feels like juggling with too many things then the first step should be sorting out things.

So I listed things that consume most of my time. Grouped them into items that are aligned with my long-term goals. If there are things that are time-consuming but do not lead me to the goals; those items need to be removed or at least reduced. For example, time spent on FB, TV, and YT can be reduced. To keep those in check, I am planning to track the time spent on those items.

Short-term aim: Things that need to be finished faster (probably within a month) are:

  1. TP

  2. AI

These two work packages are somewhat aligned with my goal but do not directly lead there. So, better to finish it faster and free-up my schedule for more relevant work packages.

Mid-term aim: These are necessary work packages to achieve my long-term goal.

  1. NL

  2. RL

Long-term aim: These are the targets that I want to accomplish.

  1. AB

  2. FI

  3. HB

I am also planning to publish a quarterly report on effort and progress.

Rakibul IslamComment