This is an interview of me where I am discussing my approach to implement AI in one of our company’ ventures called Photsynthetic.
Read MoreIt is a collaborating tool intended to reduce the silo in an organization and make the team collaborate effectively. I had no idea that such kind of a cloud service existed.
Read MoreMy take on the article. I have pointed out the reasons for failures as well as the important points to ensure success.
Read MoreThe Q-analytic is a series of quarterly blog posts to set priorities and follow them up. It is a live blog, updating now and then within the year's quarter. The efforts on work packages and reflections are documented here. Hopefully, it will help me to do better in the next quarter.
Read MoreThe Q-analytic is a series of blogposts published quarterly to set priorities and follow them up. It is a live blog, updating now and then within the quarter of the year. The efforts on work packages and reflections are documented here. Hopefully, it helps me to do better in the next quarter.
Read MoreTo control something, we need to measure effort, track progress, and set time-bound goals to achieve. This is probably a general approach for a fresh starter. But when someone feels like juggling with too many things then the first step should be sorting out things.
Read MoreThe act of painting creates a mental state and time flies without notice. I never claim an artisanship; it is rather a newly discovered meditation method for me – an escape from expectations.
Read MoreRecently, finished reading a book by Muhammad Yunus. He presented is view on global challenges and suggested solutions. Here is my take from his book.
Read MoreThis is a report originally published by Oftalmolog, a premier ophthalmology journal in the Nordics. I have archived it in my personal blog because the report is based on my PhD thesis which was carried out at the Department of Oral Biology, University of Oslo; Department of Medical Biochemistry, Oslo University Hospital and Schepens Eye Institute / Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School.
Read MoreThis is a report originally published in a popular science magazine in Norway. The story is inspired by our research during my Ph.D. The reporter also interviewed me and my main supervisor. As a good memory, I have archived it in my personal blog.
Read MoreThis is a report originally published on the front page of the University of Oslo, Norway in 2015 in response to a paper that we published in PlosOne. As a good memory, I have archived it in my personal blog. The report is supported by other research as well. The original scientific papers were cited at the end of the report.
Read MoreMy PhD research caught some attention from media. Few poplar science outlets wrote articles based on the research findings. In this blog I have listed those news articles and saved the links.
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